mls tol nak wat menatang niyh. tp dah ditagggg olh sis bwat jelahh..
Starting Time : 10.10am
Name : shyaidatul nur iqhfa fatin bt ismail khan
Sisters :3[+ aku jd 4]
Brothers : 4
Shoe Size : xtau. haha
Height : 156 dan ke ats kot.
Where Do You Live :sHaH aLam
Fav. Drinks : xkesah. aslkan xmanis jek. most carrot susu deyh
Fav. Breakfast :x slalu mkn breakfirst. mnm air ckp.
Have you ever been on a plane? : yupp
Fallen asleep at school : slalu.
Broken someone’s heart : dunno.
Fell off your chair : yup.
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : nop! kalo ye pon tggu my adexx kol.
Saved e-mails : best words. meaningful n from my fren/family.
What is your room like :blue kaler.n ampir seme brg aku kaler blue...bygkan jek.
What is right besides you : family.fone.n my lappllyy fren..
What is the last thing you ate : twisties[kempunan nak mkn]
Ever had chicken pox : yup!
Sore throat : ape ek.
Stitches :[xku phm ape mksd menatang neyh]
Broken nose : never. i dun want.
Do you believe in love at first sight : yuupp.
Like picnics : best! ske sgt.
Last made you laugh :wen my sista calling2. pastuyh merepek.
Today did you : alwayzzz meyh
Talk to someone you like : x.
Kissed anyone : never ok!
Talk to an ex : emmm
Miss Someone : yup!=)))
Best feeling in the world : ntah. wen alwayz with family.
Do you sleep with stuffed animals : x.
What is under your bed : kosong.
Who do you really hate : no one. xpenah kot.
What time is it now? : 10.20am
Is there a person who is on your mind now : sista,adekss,my fren,sumone.
Do you have any siblings : yup! lotsss.. [lame dah xjumpe kkk2 n adek ku]
Do you want children : rezeki deyh. haha
Do you smile often : alwayzz maaa..[kate pon crazy]
Do you like your hand-writing : sumtimes coz alwayzzz betuka.
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in : family.
What colour shirt are you wearing now : green
What were you doing at 7.00pm yesterday : lupe r. maybe tggu giliran nak mndi
I cant wait till : dpt result yg gempakz.bler umah ni pnh dgn my sibling.bile kedai koleksi dayang bkk n maju blk! yehh. n bile org yg aku sayunk(seme org la) bahagia! yay!
When did you cry last : dah lame aku x nanges. xclap last nanges first day raye.sedeyh lo.
Are you a friendly person : tanye mereka. maybe kot.
Do you have any pets : myfrenz pet kan?? animal crazy member.=p
Where is the person you have feeling for right now : emm.xtau.
Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now : xxx.
Do you sleep with TV on : last nite. heee.. mls nak bgn.
What are you doing right now : do diz n msg my sis ika yg sengal.huhu
Have you ever crawled through a window? :xmauu..
Can you handle the truth? :maybe.
Are you too forgiving : yupz..
Are you closer to your mother or father :seme same jek.
Who was the last person you cried in front of : my family. haha
How many people can you say you’ve really loved :x tekire deyh. ofcoz la family esp. my adek izam,my late mama(huh),my gilo2 fren n sumone.
Do you eat healthy : dunno. yela kot. tp aku mkn men taram jek.
Do you still have pictures of you and your ex? : mane ade. xdek.
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you? : x. tp aku slalu ter nanges jek.
If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to : no ones. mungkin farahaziera jek.
Are you confident? : sumtimes. tp mostly nop.
- men kejar2 kat tmn[abes musnah tmn tuyh] haha
- pegi tadika.[at surau seksyen 6]
- men nyorok2.
- makan3.[ coz aku x ingat ape aku bwat.]- ape ehhh.
5 Things on my to-do list today :
- msg my sista/fren
- lipat bj![dah betimbun]
- tg tv jek/update my blog.
- g open hause
- tido. xdek bende nak wat looo..
5 Snacks I enjoy
- chocolate. ofcoz.
- aiskrim[dah lame owh xmkn]
- twisties [sis fara lurve xsdp!haha]
- mistterrzz potato.
- lolipopz![same laaa]
5 Thing I would do if I were a billionaire : my family.derma3[hehehh].n melancong![aku xske shopink so arap mklum]
5 of my bad habits :
- nanges tetibe.[ish3]
- tido mesti kne pluk sumthin[yup]
- xtaula. tp xreti nak pujuk org[bad ke?]
- kekadang talkative[sian kat org yg kne dgr aku cite=p]
- x pecaye diri sndiri. apekes tah
5 Places I have lived in :
- mlaysia.
- kuching,srawak.
- kl[dok umah kazen 2 ari jek. haha]
- shah alam.
- coming soon dok hostel.
- dlm umah.
5 Jobs I’ve had :
- knk2 ribena lgk.xkeje.
- sumtimes kne msk.[sis fara xdek org tlg tau]haha
- basuh + angkat + lipat kain
- if my adek ade kat cni. kne jage die.
- mkn.tdo.
- study!!!!
selesai sudah. mangse tag aku; biskot-J-miss secret-n sape yg bace deyh.
[kalo sis fara bce sis jgk kne!haha]
yea2.. akak x xkne tag la.. lalala~
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